Army Air Corps Memorial

AAC Memorial in National Memorial Arboretum

On Wednesday 2 October 2013 the dedication of the AAC Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum took place presided by the Dean of Salisbury. The memorial was created in Portland stone featuring an obelisk mounted on a plinth. The obelisk is surmounted by a bronze eagle sculpted by Vivien Mallock and lower faces incorporate the carved badges of the Army Air Corps, the Glider Pilot Regiment, the Air Observation Post Squadrons and the eagle and crown representing Army Aviation. The front of the plinth simply features ARMY AIR CORPS with the Corps Collect carved into the rear plate. The memorial is set on a disc of flagstones with a cross of darker stones set within it. There is a short approach path from The Beat.

The saplings to the rear of the plot will mature in time to provide a dark backdrop to the light stone with the intention of placing benches here so that it may become a place of quiet reflection. The memorial will not feature the names of those who have been lost in Service as their names are recorded on the Armed Forces Memorial if they died whilst on duty. Those who died during operations in Iraq have their names recorded on the Basra Wall.